
Is low body temperature the ‘plague of the 21st century?’

By |2024-10-17T02:17:18+11:00October 17th, 2024|Natural Therapies|

Is low body temperature the 'plague of the 21st century?' Every process that goes on inside our bodies requires energy, specifically, metabolic energy. When the body does not have enough energy to function properly, each component of the body will malfunction in its own unique [...]

Neck Pain & Posture Problems – Guaranteed Results – Try Rent Buy $100 week

By |2024-03-28T23:59:40+11:00March 28th, 2024|ENAR, Infrabed, Pain, Posture~Pillow|

Neck Pain & Posture Problems - Guaranteed Results - Try Rent Buy $100 week Your Neck Duet - Try, Rent, You Get! = Both Posture~Pillow & ENAR Your 4 week minimum rental rate is just $400* Thats $100 week x 4*. Get new Posture~Pillow InfraBed [...]

Happy New Neck Year! in 2024

By |2024-02-01T01:04:32+11:00February 1st, 2024|Natural Therapies|

Wishing you HAPPY NEW NECK YEAR !!  in 2024 with Posture~Pillow & ENAR AMPLIFY YOUR THERAPEUTIC ABILITY  with ET's 'NECK DISABILITY DUET' InfraBed Posture~Pillow + ENAR + Pads & Leads = Neck Disability DuetOffer, FEB ONLY, while stocks last: $1400 incl Free Delivery = $ave $170 NB : NDIS Participants, Carers, Providers [...]

SCIATICA  Protocols & Case Study

By |2024-02-01T06:18:36+11:00February 1st, 2024|Natural Therapies|

SCIATICA  Protocols & Case The sciatic nerve is formed when a collection of spinal nerve fibres from the L4-S3, connect together to form one large nerve about the size of your thumb! This bundled nerve exits the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen, crosses over [...]

ET ENAR Conductive Silver interlaced Electrode Garments

By |2023-01-31T15:05:12+11:00January 31st, 2023|ENAR, Newsletter|

ET ENAR's new Conductive Silver interlaced Electrode Garments The Glove may be used for pain and swelling in the hands e.g. arthritis, RSI, injury The Sock used for pain swelling e.g.  neuropathy, arthritis, plantarfasciitis, injury The Knee for pain swelling in the knee e.g. Joint replacement, injury, [...]

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